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Student Survey
Rank each activity based on how well you personally enjoyed and learned from it. Your responses are anonymous and will help us as we plan next year's camp.
Indicates required field
Hershey's Kisses Activity
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Dynamo Torch
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Energy projects & presentations
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Sustainable House
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Solar Mechanics
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Solar Cars
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Water Rockets
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Enviro Battery
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Biofuels Presentation
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Solar Bag
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Snap Circuits Green
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Working Individually.
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Working in a group
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Overall Camp Experience
Not enjoyable or educational
Somewhat enjoyable and educational
Enjoyable and educational
Very enjoyable and educational
Name your three favorite activities.
Before this camp, how likely were you to participate in a science club or competition?
Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
After this camp, how likely are you to participate in a science club or competition?
Not likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
Type any comments or suggestions you have, if any.